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Gold Futures End Higher In Line With Comex Amid Rising Mideast Geopolitical Tension
Last update: 03/04/2024

KUALA LUMPUR, April 3 (Bernama) -- The gold futures contract on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives ended higher, tracking the COMEX gold futures on the back of rising geopolitical tension in the Middle East, as well as supported by a softer US dollar. 

At the close, the spot month April 2024 contract rose to US$2,280.80 per troy ounce from US$2,273.20 per troy ounce at yesterday’s close, and May 2024 increased to US$2,296.60 per troy ounce from US$2,289.0 per troy ounce previously.

The June 2024, August 2024, October 2024, and December 2024 contracts all settled firmer at US$2,302.30 per troy ounce from US$2,294.90 previously. 

Volume advanced to 66 lots from 35 lots, while open interest widened to 101 contracts versus 69 on Tuesday. 

According to the London Bullion Market Association’s afternoon fix on April 2, the price of physical gold stood at US$2,264.50 per troy ounce. 





100 Yen3.7752/7805
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Reduction in the overnight policy rate (OPR) by Bank Negara Malaysia would be good for consumer spending and investment;
Not sure
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